Data storage and backup devices come in many shapes and sizes with unique functionality specific to them.
The cost varies massively depending on storage capacity and installed software.
To discuss your needs and options Call Darren
Mobile 07815 734619
Office 01298 71431
Storage and Backup
Although both require a separate data storage device they are in fact two totally different concepts.
Placing files, folders, documents, media onto a storage device for safe keeping to use in the event of loss:-
- Memory stick
- USB Drive
- CD
Placing files, folders, documents, media onto a storage device for easy access and sharing on a daily bases and to increase your computer’s storage space:-
- External Hard Drives
- Paste n Go Mini Drives
- Network Servers
(NAS) Network attached storage. (iTunes Server)
There is now also a third option (NAS) Network attached storage. NAS brings the network and server functionality only previously enjoyed by large companies to the home user. It also brings with it some really cool options
- Raid (Multiple disks sharing the same information, if one disk fails the other retains all data)
- Cloud access (Your own personal FREE to use cloud server accessible from anywhere via the internet)
- Media server (Stream movies, music inc iTues over your network)
- Secure user logins
- Create personal and public sharing accounts (Home office users can share files with clients)

How this can help small to medium sized business or any other group requiring secure file sharing. Read More